Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eliza on the day she was set apart to be a missionary.

Grandma's Birthday

Danielle's Birthday

Danielle and Cake

Great-Grandma Stevenson turned 100
Tim and Sue's Family, Aunt Donna. Bob,
and Grandma

Jared with his Jr. Lifeguard
Gear. He became a 1st Lieutenant
and swam around the pier several times.

Jared turned 12
and was ordained a Deacon on June 21.

Nick graduated from Marina

Medallion recipients: Chrissy, Vicki, Mom, Bonnie, Maelen, and Emily

Danielle and Kiffy on his
graduation day from Cal State
Long Beach

Rob and Mandy on his
graduation day from Cal State
Long Beach.

We are so proud of Riley
becoming an Eagle Scout

Uncle Mike and Aunt Michelle gave Flat Stanley a good time
and then we fattened him up with cookies.

John's BYU graduation Eliza and her new missionary clothes

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