Monday, March 24, 2008


Tanner was sustained during Easter Sacrament meeting with about 35 family members there for encouragement. He is a great young man. His Bishop Dad presented him. After a nice block of meetings he was ordained a Deacon by his Dad with Uncles, Cousins, and Grandpas participating. It was a very tender blessing and a moment we would like to keep in our memories. Mike and Michelle made a wonderful Easter dinner after and everything was full of beautiful flowers and happy faces. The younger kids had a candy hunt and found plenty of candy. We all had a great time together. Thanks Mike and Michelle and family and all who came.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jared Receives Webelos Awards

Jared received several Webelos Awards on February 28. Grandpa and Kendall went to be with Jared. He is excited about his Webelos Awards and has almost earned his Arrow of Light. He's looking forward to becoming a Boy Scout in June.
Art Kent presented the awards and Grandpa went up with Jared.